Using Lakes in Your Landscape Design


When considering landscape design for your home or business, the first step is assessing what the natural land already looks like. If you happen to have a lake or a pond on your property, do not hide that behind an extravagant landscape design. Rather, use the water feature to your advantage and keep these important features in mind for your design.

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Having a variety of plants is essential to landscape design. Flowers, trees and shrubs all have their place and purpose. When considering the vegetation to plant around your lake feature, it is important to think about what plants can thrive right next to a wet lake environment. Certain vegetation can also improve the water quality of the lake and create a buffer in case of flooding.


One way to improve the landscape and help maintain the lake is to install a fountain. Water fountains with strong pumps help with lake aeration so that the water does not remain stagnant. This increases the amount of oxygen in the lake, helping plants and wildlife thrive and preventing the buildup of algae or scum on the top of the lake.


Your landscape design should also consider the way you want humans to interact with it. If you want people to be able to enjoy the natural spaces around your lake or water feature, it is best to incorporate benches, rocks or other sitting areas that invite people into the space.


You should also take into account whether wildlife already exists in the space near your lake. If ducks frequent the area, make sure there is space where ducks can sit in the sun. If there are fish, be mindful of where water fountains are placed. If there are a lot of butterflies or birds, it would be a good idea to incorporate feeders to attract those creatures. If you happen to have a lake or a pond on your property, do not hide that behind an extravagant landscape design. Rather, use the water feature to your advantage and keep these important features in mind for your design.

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