3 Signs That It’s Time To Replace Your HVAC


Heating and cooling your home efficiently are one of the most important parts of home ownership, so it is imperative that you care for your HVAC system. Yet, no matter how diligently you maintain it, sometimes your efforts aren’t enough, and it has to be replaced. Here are a few signs that it might be time to start saving for a new system.

Your Electric Bill Is On the Rise

As your HVAC system ages, its efficiency begins to decline. If you notice that the weather hasn’t been particularly harsh, yet your bill is climbing, it may be time to see if the HVAC is to blame, particularly if it is older. This can also be due to a clogged filter keeping the air from flowing through the HVAC air filter housing, but it is still a good idea to get your system checked regardless.

Your System Is Older Than 10 Years

It is easy to want to keep an old, reliable HVAC until it stops functioning, but it is recommended that you replace your HVAC system every 10 to 15 years. At that age, the cost of a repair could be almost as much as the cost of a new system. Even if your system seems to be working well, there could be some issues that you are unable to detect, such as pollutants leaking into the air.

Humidity and Temperature Issues

If your house is too humid during the hotter months, but too dry in the colder months, it could be time for an HVAC replacement. Further, if there is a wide range of temperatures in rooms that are all in the same HVAC zone, some duct work could be needed at the least.

Replacing something as necessary as an HVAC system can be a daunting process. But with proper care and maintenance, your system should run efficiently for years.

Heating and cooling your home efficiently are one of the most important parts of home ownership, so it is imperative that you care for your HVAC system. Yet, no matter how diligently you maintain it, sometimes your efforts aren’t enough, and it has to be replaced. As your HVAC system ages, its efficiency begins to decline. If you notice that the weather hasn’t been particularly harsh, yet your bill is climbing, it may be time to see if the HVAC is to blame, particularly if it is older. This can also be due to a clogged filter keeping the air from flowing through the HVAC air filter housing, but it is still a good idea to get your system checked regardless.

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